Meet Dr. Bohlke

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We know you hear a lot about us (this is our website after all), but let’s be honest – you’re definitely more interesting! So, we thought it’s time to share a little more about the clients who keep us going here at Long Real Estate Team. We’d like to introduce you to Dr. Tyler Bohlke, a good friend and client of Long Real Estate as well as our favorite chiropractor and fellow CrossFit junkie. 
1. What led you into the healthcare field?
Growing up I knew I wanted to be in a position to help people. But I wasn’t always certain that it would be through the healthcare and chiropractic avenue. I  loved science, particularly human health and I was first introduced to chiropractic at the age of 12. My chiropractor was fantastic and I went to him for everything, from a broken ankle to wellness care. But my path into the healthcare field wasn’t linear. I graduated from the University of Northern Iowa with an Education degree which I used to teach science courses such as chemistry, biology, and biomedical sciences for two years, along with coaching, strength and conditioning, and football at the high school level. While researching some post-graduate programs, I got to view chiropractic from a provider perspective and just kind of felt that “calling” to the healthcare field through chiropractic.
2. What types of patients or treatments do you specialize in? 

We don’t specialize in any particular “type” of patient – if someone is looking for chiropractic care, our doors are open and we are ready to greet them with a smile. We have a hands-on approach that begins with our intake process, including gathering a comprehensive patient history, a chiropractic exam, x-rays if they are needed, and a chiropractic adjustment that is gentle, specific, and effective making it safe for all ages.  Our treatment plans are individualized as we take into account the patient’s goals and lifestyle as well as a plan that is designed to promote overall health beyond the care plan. 

3. If you could tell everyone one habit to start or stop to improve their physical well-being, what would it be?
Today’s work culture requires a lot of sitting, so it is important to keep good posture while doing so. We encourage patients to:
  • Make sure you have a quality supportive desk chair
  • Place your buttocks at the back of the seat and feet flat on the floor, with knees bent at a 90-degree angle. Avoid crossing your legs! Pull shoulders back and lift your chest. Lift your chin until it is level and relax your jaw and mouth. Keep your screen at eye level for proper neck support.
  • Make sure you are not sitting with your wallet or phone in your back pocket.
Sitting in the “correct” position for long periods of time does eventually become uncomfortable. Set an alarm to go off every 30 minutes to get up and walk around or check your posture. Doing this will reduce stress on the spine and help prevent muscle fatigue and stiffness.
4. Our team are firm believers in the benefits of chiropractic, but we know some people are skeptical. Do you have any great stories of turning a skeptic into a believer, or a significant moment when you saw someone’s quality of life change drastically after you helped them?
 A lot of times patients will walk in with a specific pain, injury, or condition. But after receiving chiropractic care, we often receive feedback on not only feeling better for what they specifically sought care for but also improvements with so many other functions: less stress, increased energy and focus, better digestion, circulation, and mood to name a few. By restoring proper function of the nervous system through chiropractic care, the benefits of chiropractic care go well beyond low back and neck pain.
5. So you’re a CrossFit junkie just like Tony – is there any connection between being a chiropractor and that choice of exercise regimen?
I am a CrossFit junkie and am incredibly lucky to be able to work for/with Tony at Overland Park CrossFit as a coach. I’m sure there are a lot of connections and parallels that could be drawn between chiropractic and exercise in general. In regards to CrossFit specifically for myself, the connection between being a chiropractor and CrossFit as an exercise regimen is at their core, they are designed to allow us to maximize our quality of life outside of the walls of the gym or office. I have a picture in my office given to me by an incredible chiropractor and one of the greatest humans I know that says “While other professions are concerned with changing the environment to suit the weakened body, Chiropractic is concerned with strengthening the body to adapt to the environment” (BJ Palmer) and I think that same mentality is true for CrossFit.
6. What is your favorite thing about your practice? 
The patients are by and far the greatest part of my practice. It truly is an honor and blessing to be able to serve this community and I am incredibly grateful for each patient that walks through the door.